Life is indeed a stitch!
Berryhill Heirlooms and Susie Gay present techniques, heirloom sewing, hand embroidery and other musings. Come and join in the fun with Susie, a Home Economist, and savor a little rest from your hectic day...and yes, it's a Degree she uses every day!

Monday, May 8, 2023

And the Quilt Goes On....

 I've been working almost every day on the Delectable Mountain Variation quilt. There are 72 eight inch squares, plus borders. That's a lot of squares...rather daunting. So my way of working on it was two squares each day... which would take 36 days. Just knowing that makes it easier to see the end of the 72 monotonous squares.

I cut two pieces of cotton calico at a time into the various triangles needed, then a bunch of matching white muslin squares and a few of the golden tan ones.
 I stitch them together to make the little squares on my 1935 get in the quilting mood! 
After pressing the little squares (7 per 8" block) I square each one up to get them to a perfect 2" square.
After that it's back to the machine to stitch the little guys together along with the golden tan ones, more pressing. Then the larger triangle is stitched on and pressed to get this far.....

A large white triangle comes next and sewn to the pieced larger triangle, which is then pressed and squared up to make a perfect 8" square.
I keep track of where I am on the production line with a 'sticky' sense in counting all these lovely squares frequently.
The pile of blocks so far.....
Fifty four so far. This is truly a scrap quilt because I pulled fabric from my stash for the blocks "willy-nilly" with not a thought about being 'match-matchy'. It's fun but the pieced borders come next that have LOTS of the little 2" squares to sew from the leftover fabrics. Guess I'll be dividing that part of the project into sew many each day.  Happy stitching!


  1. Very smart idea! Makes it very easy to pace yourself.

    1. Thanks! I'm now up to 62 of the 8" squares.


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